EMPIRE Turf®Zoysia
EMPIRE Turf®Zoysia is an improved zoysiagrass that elevates the standards and expectations for warm-season turfgrasses with exceptional drought tolerance and lower chemical needs to meet “green building” standards. With soft-to-the-touch feel, wider-bladed growth and lush green color, EMPIRE Turf® Zoysia exhibit durability in the landscape while maintaining functionality. Developed in Brazil, EMPIRE Turf® Zoysia thrives in harsh tropical climates, yet also exhibits excellent cold hardiness. EMPIRE Turf® Zoysia needs less water and maintenance than most other turfgrasses: in some instances, once naturalized to the local climate, EMPIRE Turf® Zoysia requires minimal care.
Grass Attributes
Leaf Blade | Wide |
Color | Blue-Green |
Feel | Soft |
Mow Height | 1-2” |
Shade Tolerance | Very Good |
Wear Tolerance | Very Good |
Wear Recovery | Good |
Disease/Insect Resistance | Excellent |
Weeds Resistance | Very Good |
Drought Tolerance | Very Good |
Drought Recovery | Good |
Maintenance Requirements | Low-Medium |
Cold Tolerance | Good |
Heat Tolerance | Good |