Geo™ Zoysia
A fine-bladed zoysia grass with a deep green color, Geo™ Zoysia is one of the most beautiful turfgrasses you will find in a landscape. Geo™ Zoysia has good to excellent shade tolerance, compared to other zoysiagrasses, and is extremely wear tolerant, making this a top choice for golf courses as well as residential lawns. If you want the best looking lawn in the neighborhood and are willing to perform a little more seasonal maintenance, Geo™ Zoysia is a great option.
Grass Attributes
Leaf Blade | Fine |
Color | Dark-Green |
Feel | Very Soft |
Mow Height | 1-2” |
Shade Tolerance | Very Good |
Wear Tolerance | Very Good |
Wear Recovery | Good |
Disease/Insect Resistance | Excellent |
Weeds Resistance | Very Good |
Drought Tolerance | Very Good |
Drought Recovery | Good |
Maintenance Requirements | Low-Medium |
Cold Tolerance | Good |
Heat Tolerance | Good |