Tifway 419 Bermuda
Tifway 419 Bermuda is the most widely used turfgrass and has been an industry standard for residential and commercial lawns, athletic fields and golf courses for over 50 years. It’s dense, rapid spreading, fine-bladed growth habit makes it quickly able to recover from injury, making it one of the most durable bermudagrass choices. It tolerates close mowing and is highly disease resistant. Full sun is required, a minimum of 8 hours daily. It performs exceptionally well in heat and drought conditions by slightly going into dormancy to protect itself and recovers quickly when conditions improve. With it’s deep, dark green color, it was designed for durability and beauty.
Grass Attributes
Leaf Blade | Fine |
Color | Green |
Feel | Soft |
Mow Height | ½ – 1 ½ “ |
Shade Tolerance | Poor-Full Sun Only |
Wear Tolerance | Good |
Wear Recovery | Excellent |
Disease/Insect Resistance | Excellent |
Weeds Resistance | Good |
Drought Tolerance | Good |
Drought Recovery | Excellent |
Maintenance Requirements | High |
Cold Tolerance | Good |
Heat Tolerance | Excellent |